Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.


Bulldog Wrestlers Place 4th at Pat Dulaney Invitational

1 year ago @ 9:02PM

Stone Bridge sent 10 wrestlers to the Pat Dulaney Invitational at Langley HS on Saturday. Despite being a little short-handed, the team finished 4th/13 teams crowning three individual champions. Team results were:


Moose Reichow 3rd at 106lbs.

Isaac Hall 2nd at 126lbs.

Daniel Pedralvez 2nd at 144lbs.

Will Brooks 1st at 157lbs.

Jonathan Korte 1st at 175lbs.

Eli Miedema 1st at 190lbs.

Nate Jackson 4th at 215lbs.
