Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Varsity Golf vs. MCLEAN HS

11.0 years ago @ 1:58PM
Game Date
Aug 19, 2013
BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 169.00

The Stone Bridge Bulldog Golf Team lost a tough match to the McLean Highanders on Monday, August 19, 2013 posting a 169 team score to McLean's 168, on the front nine par 36 at Reston National Golf Course.   The Bulldogs posted their score as follows:

Eli Robertson 40

Brandon Locke 42

Jackson Flynn  43

Logan Goodrich 44

Also playing for SBHS, Tyler Starr shot a 47 and Brandon Lisciandro shot 54.

Go Bulldog Golf Team!
