Game Summaries & Headlines.
Varsity Golf vs. SOUTH LAKES HS
11.0 years ago @ 5:22PM
- Game Date
- Aug 26, 2013
- Score
- BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 169.00
The Stone Bridge Bulldog Golf Team defeated the South Lakes Seahawks in a match at the South Lakes home course, Reston National Golf Course, the afternoon of August 26, 2013. The Bulldogs posted a 169 score the Seahawks score of 190. Stone Bridge's Golf Team scored as follows:
Brandon Locke, 40; Jackson Flynn, 41; Eli Robertson 42; and Logan Goodrich, 46.
Also playing for Stone Bridge: Brandon Lisciandro shooting a 49 and Tyler Starr shooting a 55.
The Bulldog Golfers are now 3 and 2 for the season matches with a second place finish in the George Pavlis Memorial Tournament hosted by McLean High School. Our next match is against Fairfax High School on August 28, 2013.