Game Summaries & Headlines.
Varsity Golf vs.
11.0 years ago @ 6:30AM
- Game Date
- Sep 17, 2013
- Score
- BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 3
Stone Bridge High School's Golf Team successfully shot a 325 to take 3rd place in the Conference 14 Tournament. Briar Woods HS placed 1st with a 303 score and Tuscarora HS placed second with a 308 score.
What a great day for golf. The weather was cool and brisk in the morning warming to about 70 degrees F in the afternoon. Hopefully the team had fun and learned a thing or two from our success at 1757. In this transition year into Conference 14, the three teams shooting the lowest scores at today's tournament progress to the Regional Tournament to be held on October 1, 2013, at the Forest Greens Golf Course in Triangle, VA. Each SBHS Golf Team member gave his all. Here are a few recaps.
Brandon Lisciandro on hole 17 had a free drop from near the pump house only to face a most difficult shot. He had to play a flop shot with about 20 years of carry with a large trap in front of him and a pond directly behind the green. He had about 10 yards of green from front to back to work with on the shot. He hit a text book shot stopping the ball about 10 feet from the pin. This shot could have made ESPN Sports Center highlights!
Tyler Starr, after a tough start on the front nine, improved his play on the back nine shooting 10 strokes better.
Brandon Locke provided a great front nine, where on the 9th hole he hit the green in two with a magnificent shot, leaving about a three foot put for eagle. He nailed it!
Logan Goodrich while starting out with a difficult front nine, came back on the back playing the first seven holes one over par. His solid play on those holes contributed to the SBHS 3rd place finish.
Jackson Flynn, our freshman, shot 78 which included an even par performance on the back nine.
Eli Robertson began the day at three over par after the first two holes of play. He proceeded to score four birdies on the remaining seven holes shooting one under par on the front providing a story his Coach will use for years about perseverance on the golf course. His last birdie was on number 9 where he tapped in the putt after having lipped out a 25 foot putt for eagle. Eli played a solid back nine shooting a 75 and earning a fourth place scoring medal for the tournament.
The Bulldogs have a few weeks to practice before Regionals where we get another crack at Briar Woods and Tuscarora as well a few more successful teams in Region 5A North.
The Bulldogs have a few weeks to practice before Regionals where we get another crack at Briar Woods and Tuscarora as well a few more successful teams in Region 5A North.
The young SBHS Golf Team should be proud of its accomplishments thus far! Go Bulldogs!