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Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School


Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

10.0 years ago @ 2:43AM

Varsity Golf vs.

Game Date
Oct 6, 2014

The Bulldogs competed in the 5A Regional Golf Tournament yesterday,, October 6, 2014, placing 6th place out of 12 teams with a score of 353 on a the difficult Greens Folly Golf Course in South Boston, VA.   Greens Folly is Halifax County High School's home course. Tuscarora High School won the tournament with a score of 314.   The competing schools and their scores were:
Tuscarora                  314
Thomas Jefferson     320
Halifax                       325
Briar Woods              326
Albermarle                332
Stone Bridge             353
Brooke Point             356
Massaponax             359
North Stafford           364
Thomas Edison        368
Falls Church             384
Mount Vernon           398
The Bulldogs scored as follows:
Branon Locke            82
Eli Robertson            88
Jackson Flynn           91
Cam Bender              92
Logan Goodrich        98
Connor Steggerda    98
The Competition was good and the day was cool, windy and cloudless.  A great day for golf.   This was a great learning experience for the seasoned yet young Bulldog team.  We look forward to next season and playing any course again in a Regional Competition.   Thanks to all the parents who joined the Bulldogs for our practice round on Sunday and competition on Monday.   We were well represented in the gallery during the tournament and your support was very much appreciated by myself and all our players.
The Bulldogs look forward to a great school year and the 2015/16 season.   We will have a team meeting after school one day in the next week to do a quick season review with the team and start to scope out some of our goals for next year.   Our banquet is being held at Belmont Country Club on Octover 29, 2014, with details being provided by Ruth Kapusta.   Thanks for organizing the banquet, Ruth!
We should be very proud of every member of the Stone Bridge Golf Team.  We finished with a record of 4 wins and 5 losses but placed 2nd in the Herndon Invitational, 1st in the Pavlis Memorial and 3rd in the LCPS High School tournament,  all during the first week of the season.  Next year we will compete most of our matches with the Conference 14 schools where Tuscarora will be our prime competitor. 
Thanks everyone for your support of the team and thanks to all the team members for working so hard this season.  Learn everything you can this year and have fun.   Here are some great suggested golf readings for the next year:     All of Harvey Pennick's books including his Little Red Book  Zen Golf by Joseph Parent;   The 15th Club by Bob Rotella (or any of Bob's other books).    Also there is a great book of short stories by prominent golfers by the title of Be the Ball that is fun and enjoyable to read.
Have a great off-season.
Coach Mjoness