Game Summaries & Headlines.
Varsity Golf vs. 8 Other HS Schools
9.0 years ago @ 2:53PM | Mark Mjoness
- Game Date
- Aug 10, 2015
- Score
- BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 317.00
The Bulldogs Take Second Place in the 4th Annual George Pavlis Memorial Tournament
The Stone Bridge Bulldog Golfers placed second among nine teams entered into the Pavlis Memorial Tournament, held today at Hidden Creek Country Club and hosted by McLean High School. The Bulldogs shot 317 for the 18 hole tournament to Heritage High School's 308 to take second place. Scoring for Stone Bridge was as follows: Brandon Locke, 74; Abby Bloom, 80; Eli Robertson, 81; and, Cam Bender, 82. Brandon Locke was runner up as low medalist. Brandon also made three birdies. Cam Bender and Abby Bloom made one birdie each and Eli Robertson made a 25 foot putt for eagle on the par five 11th hole. Also playing for Stone Bridge, was Logan Goodrich. In the four years of this tournament, Stone Bridge has two first place and two second place finishes.
Other schools in the tournament besides Stone Bridge and Heritage were: Herndon, McLean (two teams), Southlakes, Hayfield, Wakefield, Falls Church, and T.C Williams.