Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Bulldog Varsity Golf vs. all LCPS HS Schools

9.0 years ago @ 2:39PM
Game Date
Aug 12, 2015
BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 318.00

Stone Bridge Golf Team Scores 318 in the Loudoun County Public Schools 2015 Golf Tournament.


The Bulldog golfers placed 6th in the LCPS 2015 Golf Tournament shooting a 3018 score.  Loudoun County High School won the tournament with a score of 305.  Scoring for the Bulldogs were Brandon Locke, 75; Logan Goodrich, 79; Eli Robertson, 81; and, Matt Kapusta, 83.   Brandon Locke tied with three others for third place medalist.   The Bulldogs shot two strokes better than they did in 2014.   Golf Team members played hard and provided 6 team birdies during the round.   Also playing for the Bulldogs and shooting 84, was Abby Bloom.    The Bulldogs are on pace to continue their improvement as the season is only in it's first full week.  Coming up on Thursday, August 13, 2015, the Bulldogs will host Broad Run High's Spartan golfers at Belmont Country Club at 11 am.
