Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Varsity Golf vs. Broad Run

9.0 years ago @ 7:43PM
Game Date
Aug 13, 2015
BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 330.00

Stone Bridge High School Golfers defeat the Broad Run Spartan Golfers, Ashburn, VA   8/13/2015

The Stone Bridge Bulldogs won their match vs Broad Run High School today.  The match was an 18 hole event held at Stone Bridge's home course, Belmont Country Club, on the heals of yesterday's LCPS Tournament.   The final match score was Stone Bridge 330, and Broad Run 395.   Scoring for the Bulldogs was as follows:   Brandon Locke, 81; Logan Goodrich, 87; Eli Robertson, 77; and, Abby Bloom, 85.  Eli Robertson posted his lowest round of the one week old season.  Also playing for Stone Bridge was Brandon Lisciandro.

Stone Bridge is showing continuous improvement and excellent stamina with this  fourth 18 hole round in the past four days
