Game Summaries & Headlines.
Varsity Golf vs. Potomac Falls HS
9.0 years ago @ 4:47AM
- Game Date
- Aug 20, 2015
- Score
- BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 158.00
Stone Bridge High School Golfers Defeat Potomac Falls High School, Ashburn, VA. August 20, 2015
The Stone Bridge Bulldog Golfers hosted the Potomac Falls Golf Team in an intended 18 hole match on the afternoon of August 20, 2015, at Belmont Country Club. The match participants experienced a 90 minute delay because of the thunderstorm that moved through the golf course, reducing the match to 9 holes with a late evening finish. The final score was Stone Bridge 158 to Potomac Falls' 180. Scoring for the Stone Bridge team was as follows: Eli Robertson, 37; Matt Kapusta, 42; Abby Bloom, 42; and, Brandon Locke 37. Also shooting 43s for the Bulldogs were Logan Goodrich and Cam Bender. Both teams and parents were very patient in waiting for the storm to pass and Belmont Country Club invited the teams and spectators into the main mansion entrance foyer providing a safe and historic setting during the storm.