Game Summaries & Headlines.
Varsity Golf vs. McLean HS
9.0 years ago @ 2:48PM
- Game Date
- Aug 26, 2015
- Score
- BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 322.00
Stone Bridge High School Bulldog Golfers defeat McLean High School Highlanders, Ashburn, VA. August 26, 2015
The Stone Bridge High School golf team won a closely contested match on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 over the McLean High School Highlanders at Belmont Country Club. The 18 hole match ended in a score of Stone Bridge 322 to McLean's 325. Scoring for the Bulldog's was anchored by Brandon Locke and Eli Robertson, both shooting 78s. Logan Goodrich shot an 82 and Abigail Bloom shot an 84. Brandon, Eli and Abby all had birdies during their rounds. Also playing for the Bulldogs were Connor Steggerda shooting an 84 and Matt Kapusta shooting an 87. The Bulldogs have recorded a record 5 wins and zero losses in matches this season. The Stone Bridge golf team has its next match at Belmont Country Club on September 1, 2015 , vs the Herndon High School Hornets.