Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Varsity Golf vs. Herndon HS School

9.0 years ago @ 4:42PM
Game Date
Sep 1, 2015
BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 158.00

Stone Bridge Bulldog Golfers defeat the Herndon Hornet Golfers 158 -179, September 1, 2015, Ashburn, VA.


The Stone Bridge varsity golf team defeated Herndon High School in a nine hole golf match this evening on Belmont Country Club's scenic front nine.   The Bulldogs scored 158 to Herndon's 179.   Scoring for Stone Bridge was as follows:   Brandon Locke, 36 (low medalist for the afternoon); Abby Bloom, 38;  Max Carollo, 38; and, Connor Steggerda, 46.   Also playing for the Bulldogs were Eli Robertson and Brandon Lisciandro.     Notable achievements for the Bulldogs were Brandon Locke shooting even par and Abby Bloom scoring an eagle 3 on the par five fifth hole after a fantastic drive and 3 wood approach that left her with about a 4 foot putt.   Also, Max Carollo, in his first high school match playing in the top  6 players and being our only Freshman, scored a two over round of 38 - - his best 9 hole score, ever, for the Bulldogs.   The Stone Bridge Bulldog Golfers now have 6 wins and 0 losses for the regular season, in matches. 


The next match for the Bulldogs will be away at Rock Ridge High School's home course, South Riding,  this coming Thursday.
