Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Varsity Golf vs. Rock Ridge HS School

9.0 years ago @ 4:32AM
Game Date
Sep 3, 2015
BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 156.00

Stone Bridge wins 7th match vs Rock Ridge High School,  Sept. 3, 2015,  South Riding, VA.


The Stone Bridge Bulldog golf team won its 7th match of the season against host Rock Ridge High School at their home course, South Riding Country Club, on the evening of September 3, 2015.   The final score for the nine hole match was Stone Bridge, 156; and, Rock Ridge 190.   Scoring for the Stone Bridge team was as follows:    Brandon Locke shot a low match score for  this season of one under par or 35.   Brandon had two birdies for his round.   Cam Bender shot a 38, also scoring two birdies.    Logan Goodrich shot 40 with one birdie, and Abigail Bloom shot a 43.   Also playing for Stone Bridge were Matt Kapusta and Max Carollo who both shot 44's.  The Bulldog Golf Team has achieved a 7 win, no loss record for the 2015-16 golf season.  


Stone Bridge will host Loudoun County at Belmont Country Club on September 10, 2015,
