Game Summaries & Headlines.
Varsity Golf vs. Loudoun County HS School
9.0 years ago @ 5:53PM
- Game Date
- Sep 10, 2015
- Score
- BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 162.00
The Stone Bridge High School Golf Team defeats the Loudoun County High School Golfers. Ashburn, VA. September 10, 2015.
The Stone Bridge Bulldog golfers defeated a very good Loudoun County Raiders team by a score of 162 to 178. The match was played over the front nine at Stone Bridge's home course, Belmont Country Club. Scoring for the Bulldogs was as follows: Brandon Locke, shot 39 (low medalist for the match); Eli Robertson, 40; Matt Kapusta, 41; and Connor Steggerda 42. Also playing for the Bulldogs were Cam Bender who shot 43 and Abby Bloom who shot 44. The Stone Bridge Bulldog golfers have now accomplished a season match record of 8 wins and 0 losses. The Bulldogs have two matches remaining and will play Tuscarora High School at Lansdowne Golf Course on Wednesday September 16 and Dominion High School at Algonkian Golf Course on Thursday, September 17