Game Summaries & Headlines.
Varsity Golf vs. Tuscarora HS
9.0 years ago @ 7:32PM
- Game Date
- Sep 16, 2015
- Score
- BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 169.00
The Stone Bridge High School golf team lost a heartbreaker this evening to Tuscarora High School at Lansdowne's Norman course by a score of 169 to 164.
Low scorer for the Bulldogs was Brandon Locke shooting a 40 followed by Abby Bloom shooting a 41 with birdie on the 9th hole. Also scoring for the Bulldogs were Matt Kapusta shooting 43 and Logan Goodrich shooting 45. Thanks to our host, Coach Jeff Kaplan and his Tuscarora team for a close round of golf and an excellent round my Tuscarora player Morton who shot a one under par 35 for the low medalist round of the match. The Bulldogs record is now 8 wins and 1 loss for the 2015 regular season.
The last regular season match for the Bulldogs will be tomorrow evening at Algonkian at 4:30 pm vs Dominion High School.