Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Varsity Golf vs.

9.0 years ago @ 4:14PM
Game Date
Sep 24, 2015
BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 324.00

The Stone Bridge High golf team placed third this afternoon among five teams at the Conference 14 Tournament held at 1757 Golf Club in Sterling, VA.,  shooting a score of 324 after first place Tuscarora shooting 313 and second place Briar Woods shooting 314.   The Bulldog golfers scored as follows:    Brandon Locke, 72; Eli Robertson, 81;  Abby Bloom, 85; and, Cameron Bender, 86.   Also playing for Stone Bridge were Connor Steggerda and Logan Goodrich.   Brandon Locke's 72 earned him a second place low medal award.  Also congratulations to Brandon Locke, Eli Robertson and Abby Bloom, who earned three of four individual low score places to qualify to play at the upcoming Regional Golf Tournament.  Abby Bloom was tied for the fourth spot with Potomac Falls' Maggie Kingora and prevailed on the third hole of a sudden death playoff.    Both players provided excellent shot making during the playoff.  
The Regional Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, October 5, 2015 at Brambleton Golf Course where Brandon, Eli and Abby will be attempting to earn individual spots at the Virginia State Golf Tournament.