Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Boys Varsity Soccer

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Soccer vs. BROAD RUN HS

11.0 years ago @ 5:28PM
Game Date
Apr 2, 2013
BULLDOGSStone Bridge High School: 2

The Stone Bridge boys soccer team traveled to cross town rival Broad Run on Tuesday night and fell short in their game falling to the Spartans 3-2.  The Spartans took and early lead scoring in the first five minutes of the first half and carried the score into halftime.  The Bulldogs came out strong in the second half and tied the game on a goal scored by Senior Forward Tyler Anderson.  Broad Run answered right back taking a 2-1 lead but once again the Bulldogs answered on a goal by Junior Forward Eamon Finan to tie the game at 2-2.  However Broad Run caught the Bulldogs pressing forward and counter attacked to score the go ahead goal with just over 12 minutes to go to earn the win.
With the loss the Bulldogs fall to 2-1-1 on the season.  The Bulldogs will play its third game of the week on Thursday as they travel to take on Concorde District Chantilly.  The JV will kick off at 5:30 and the Varsity will kick off at 7 PM.