No team summary for this season.
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Coach Baird
Tryouts will begin Monday Feb 22nd after school.
Indoor Schedule is 4-6pm in the Aux Gym
Outdoor Schedule is 4-7pm on the Baseball Field
Team Room #1 will be available for players to change after school and report immediately to try outs.
Tryouts will be Mon-Thurs
Cuts will be made Friday Feb 26th after school. Individual Meetings will begin at 4pm
**If the weather is dry please plan to be outside and dress accordingly.**
Required Paperwork PRIOR to Try Outs
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Coach Baird
Please check the "Athletic Forms" tab on the main page for all REQUIRE paperwork.
Player/Parent Pre-Season Informational Meeting
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Coach
Players interested in trying out this Spring must attend with their parents.
The meeting is Monday Jan 25th @ 6pm in the Library.
The meeting will only last 30-45 minutes.
Thank You
Monday Tryout Schedule
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Coach Baird
All players should meet in the Aux Gym @ 4pm. We will handle any left over paperwork as well as cover the schedule for the day.
Please dress for both inside and outside (sweatshirt, jacket, long sleeves, etc).
All players should be in baseball pants, belt, a SBHS (navy or carolina) shirt, and a baseball hat.
Tryouts will end between 6 & 630. Players needing to be picked up after tryouts will be ready for pick up between 630 & 7pm.