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Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School


Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Bulldogs Athletics

Stone Bridge High School

Team News.

Team News

11.0 years ago @ 4:50AM

Thank You Stone Bridge Soccer

It is with a heavy heart that I step down as a coach with the Boys Soccer Program. Since the school opened in 2000, I have been a part of the Stone Bridge family. The friendships and memories I have will last me a lifetime.
I want to thank Mr. Person and Mr. Hembach. It makes me smile to think how far the program has come since it began. This wouldn't be possible without your support through the years.
I also want to thank Mark Wagner for helping with all of the knocks the boys got over the years, as well as making sure we were all First Aid/CPR certified. Brian Parke was also helpful in making sure all of our tech sites were up and running, and always helped out whenever I forgot my password.
Of course, I want to thank Randy May, Mike Schmidt, Jose Ventura, and Sean Holland for their friendship over the years, and I will miss working with you all. The experiences we had are legendary; I'm sure we'll still be talking about Kecoughtan, Langley, and TJ long into the future.
I want to thank the SB soccer families for their years of support. It has been a privilege to work alongside your children and watch them change into young men and women.
I want to thank the players and managers. From having tryouts indoors, enduring the highs and lows of the season, Coach May's pre-game locker room talks, singing on the bus after wins, the 2011 JV season where we almost went undefeated, and #YOSKY. These memories are priceless for me.
Last, and certainly not least, I want to thank my wife Maddy who has supported me through the years. You have sacrificed so much so that I could coach at Stone Bridge and I am eternally thankful.
Coach Muscarella

Team News

11.0 years ago @ 6:36PM

April 6 Spring Mulch Sale

Our spring mulch sale is this Saturday from 10-4. Drivers and athletes needed for 2-hour shifts: sign up.


Team News

11.0 years ago @ 7:47AM

Online Player Information Form
Team News

11.0 years ago @ 2:20PM

Stone Bridge Baseball Fundraiser Golf Tournament
Team News

11.0 years ago @ 3:32AM

2013 Soccer Tryouts

Tryouts begin Tuesday, February 19 at 7 am. Be prepared for the Cooper run on the track. We will run indoors if the weather is bad. We will practice again after school. 

Due to inclement weather, we may be forced to be inside. Be prepared to go indoors or outdoors. We have the 5:30 - 7 pm slot in the main gym this week.