Stone Bridge Bulldogs vs McLean Highlanders at Reston National Golf Course
Updated on 06/10/2022
The SBHS Bulldogs lost a squeeker to McLean on Monday, August 19, 2013 posting a 169 to McLean's 168 score. The Bulldogs played well with Eli Robertson posting a low score of 40 for his team during the 9 hole match.
Co-Ed Golf Team Tryouts and Green Days
Updated on 06/10/2022
Stone Bridge Golf Team Tryouts/ and an Opportunity to Play in Advance of Tryouts
If you would like to try out for the Stone Bridge Co-Ed Golf Team, please send an email to Coach Mjoness (mlmjoness@aol.com) with your contact information no later than July 20, 2013. In order to confirm tee times for tryouts, an exact number of players is needed in advance. Tryouts will be held at the designated courses and times (see below) during Monday, August 5, Tuesday, August 6 and Wednesday, August 7. Please be at the designated golf course approximately 15-30 minutes before the listed first tee time to warm up and practice putting/chipping, etc. Bring water and/or Gatorade to stay hydrated and appropriate snacks for energy.
August 5 - - 1757 Golf Club at 10 am. We will use the practice area from 10-11:45 am, followed by a short golf quiz on golf rules and etiquette. Tryouts should be over at 12 noon.
August 6 - - Belmont Country Club at 2 pm for 18 holes of golf. Tryouts should be over by 6:30-7 pm.
August 7 - - Goose Creek Golf Course at 10:30 am for 18 holes of golf. Tryouts should be over by 3-3:30 pm
In order to tryout, the following forms must be completed and turned in by August 1st:
- Completed VHSL Physical
- Emergency Care Card
- Loudoun County Training Rules and Regulations
- Warning & Assumption of Risk for Participation
- Concussion Guidelines
Please fully complete these forms with all required signatures and turn them in to Mr. Hembach via the SBHS main office by August 1, 2013. All of these forms are available on www.stonebridgesports.org under the “Athletic Forms” tab at the top of the Home page.
Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) requires every athlete to have a minimum of 3 days of tryouts. Therefore, a coach has the option of making all of the final cuts after the Wednesday round, and the selected team can begin practicing the next day. Only in circumstances where a coach needs to see more of a player in order to make a final decision will tryouts extend through Thursday August 8. If you don’t have all 5 forms completely filled out by the first tryout day, you will NOT be able to participate until they are submitted (each missed tryout day because of late paperwork counts towards your three required tryout days).
Selection Criteria:
The following are a few of the skills/abilities that will be assessed during tryouts and team selection process: Overall Golf Swing (mechanics, balance, consistency), Driving Power/Accuracy, Long and Short Iron Play, Pitching/Chipping, Putting, Sand Shots, Hitting from Difficult Lies, Mental Focus/Concentration, Decision-Making/Course Management, Knowledge of Golf Rules and Etiquette and Scores on Tryout Days.
Team members will be announced after the August 7 tryouts. Coach Mjoness will be glad to discuss areas for improvement and other tips for making the team with those players who do not make the team. Parents may contact Coach Mjoness as well to discuss their student’s tryout.
The expectation for Stone Bridge’s Golf Team size this year is 12 players. Players will play and practice throughout the season competing for playing time in our tournaments and matches. Our first two events are tournaments, scheduled for the following Monday and Wednesday after tryouts, August 12 and 14, so tryouts will also be an important factor in not only who will make the team but also who may be starting in our first events. We will have a team meeting with players and parents at the August 8 or 9 team practice, to be determined.
Opportunity to play in advance of tryouts: If any players would like play in a "green day” outing before the actual season begins, please send an e mail expressing your desire and commitment to do so to Coach Mjoness. This will be a first come, first serve opportunity. The first 12 players/parents who confirm themselves/their players desire to play one or both of these days will be able to play 18 holes at the following courses and times:
July 23, 2013 at Belmont CC at 4 pm
July 31, 2013 at Goose Creek GC at 1 pm.
Coach Mjoness will confirm your ability to play either or both of those days as soon as he receives 12 responses requesting to play. Also, you must have a completed VHSL physical fitness form completed and turned in prior to participation in the green day outings. Please turn in this form to Mr. Hembach by July 19 if you plan on playing in the July 23 round and no later than July 29 if you plan on playing in the July 31 round.
Please Note: For tryouts and green days you must wear proper attire. Shirts with collars, non-denim shorts or pants and tennis shoes or soft soled/ rubber spiked golf shoes are acceptable.
Mark Mjoness, SBHS Golf Team Coach
mlmjoness@aol.com (703)727-1973